Thursday, September 11, 2008

To Do List

My sister, Heather, wanted to see what my daily To Do list was like. In fact, just to entice me to share, she posted hers too. But, before I post my list, I need to explain how it works. I pretty much post everything on my list. All my daily household chores, any errands I need to run, what I'm making for dinner, reminders for everyday things that I might forget to do in the rush of life, things I want to bake, major cleaning jobs, etc. Sometimes I will even write something on my list after I have done it, just so I can cross it off. Some things get crossed off right away, some will stay on my fridge for several days until I get to them, and some stay on so long that I eventually just erase them. I write my list on my fridge, so that I am forced to look at it all day long. I'm very good at ignoring things and not feeling guilty for it, so seeing it all day is more of a helpful reminder than a guilt-inducer. I'm actually hoping to expand the process a little; I want to change the way I list my major cleaning jobs. But I will write more about that later. So, without further ado, here is my list:

  • Dishes (this is one of those things that gets crossed off and then rewritten everyday)
  • Laundry (I like to do all my laundry in one day, just because that is always how the loads seem to fill up)
    -Darks (in the washer)
    -Colors (in the dryer)

  • Bathrooms (deep clean our bathroom, surface clean the kids)
  • Breakfast (scrambled eggs with turkey, sauteed onions, and cheddar cheese)
  • SHORT NAP? (I have been trying to get up early every morning, and it is starting to catch up with me)
  • Dinner Chicken/Rice (15-minute Mexican Chicken & Rice Dinner)
  • Email Erin (I need to write my friend who I have completely ditched lately. I'm a horrible person :( )
  • SHOWER (yes, I remind myself to shower; otherwise, I will get busy with other stuff and forget about it)
  • Cheese crackers (a recipe from that I want to try)
  • Walk (30 minutes today, after I dropped the kids off)
  • Empty dishes (dishwasher and dish drainer)
  • Get eggs (from next door)
  • Get socks down (soccer socks from Sierra's box)
  • Kitchen floor

Well, guys, I think that's it. Now I've spend enough time writing about my To Do list. It's time to go work on it.


Heather said...

Great list.

Erin (nickname: Erna) said...

As in, ME?!