I think about writing on this blog every. single. day. Seriously. Everyday I write two or three posts in my head. So why has my post count been sitting at 370 since the end of August (and really, the last three posts I wrote, one in August, and two in April, don't really count)? The last thing I wrote with any kind of substance was on March 3rd! That's crazy, considering how much time I spend writing...in my head. So, I've been searching my heart, and my head, for reasons why I can't seem to make myself write.
Distractions. I've got four kids, two of them are under three years old. Let's face it. I have lots of distractions. Just in writing that first paragraph, I got out of my chair four times to stop Zeke from screaming about his sister helping him build a train track. Four times. And two of the kids aren't even in this distracting picture. I find it difficult to sit down and write, to keep my thoughts flowing when................... (Add another distracting moment there.) Anyway, it's hard to sit down and keep the words coming when you have to get up and down and deal with problems. (Phew, just sent Sierra and Tyner outside for some much needed fresh air. Hopefully I can get this done now). What really needs to happen is that I need to prioritize my kid-free time and try to fit writing in there somewhere. (Ignoring the fussing baby who is supposed to be taking a nap.) I need to choose morning nap time when Zeke is outside playing, or afternoon naps when Zeke and Emma are both sleeping, or after bed when all the kids are ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh..............................can't ignore the fussing baby much longer. Apparently she doesn't need a nap this morning.
That is what my life feels like right now. A series of dots.......waiting.......being completely and totally distracted to the point that I can't even find
myself anymore. I've got to get this figured out. I've got to find a way to get myself back. I'm drowning in this sea of chaos.
Maybe my brain will work some other day and I can write a coherent post then.
Until then.........................