Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The responsible thing.

I decided a few months ago to sell both of our bouncy seats in the upcoming garage sale and buy a new one.  I wanted to have at least one new, girly thing for Emma.  I really wanted this.  

Today I was out in the garage, cleaning things up for Saturday.  I took the seats and covers off of two bouncy seats, two car seats, a swing, and an Exersaucer to wash them.  When they came out of the dryer, I was looking at the seat pad of the newer bouncy seat.  I was thinking how it was kind of a waste to sell it for $10 and then turn around and buy a new bouncer for $35.  It's still in really good condition, and even has the toy bar that goes with it (not that we used it much). 

So, I'm going to do the responsible thing and keep the newer bouncy seat and not buy a new one.  Besides, there are better things I could buy with that $35.  Like this.  Or this.  Or a portion of this.  It's all about perspective, right?


Heather said...

Hey don't feel bad, stuff I used for Colton(now 14 yo) as a baby I used for Wyatt.
Would you make more for it if you kept it and sold it on Craiglist up here.

Kimi said...

Ah Beth, it's all about the yarn.